Many famous people, especially young male singers, at one point in their career, start facing rumors about their sexuality.
One of the best examples is Justin Bieber who faced these “gay” rumors almost throughout his entire career, even though he dated many famous women such as Selena Gomez and so on.
Shawn Mendes is having the same problems as Justin used to have and here you can find everything about it.
Is Shawn Mendes Gay?
Although many fans are confident that Shawn Mendes is gay. The popular singer had something totally different to say about these alleged rumors.
Shawn addressed this matter many times and came out as straight and nothing more. On multiple occasions, Shawn said that he is not gay and all of his girlfriends can surely confirm this.
Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes dated for more than two years, but these rumors never stopped to the point where they almost drove Shawn crazy.
In one interview Shawn said that these rumors started when he was 15 and it has continued ever since. He also said that he thinks these rumors started because he disliked doing things like wrestling and because he had a high voice.
This is even more ridiculous because wrestling is considered the gayest sport out there and we all know how well his voice serves him.
He even addressed the matter via Snapchat because some fans said that he gave them a ‘gay vibe.’
“First of all, I’m not gay. Second of all, it shouldn’t make a difference if I was or if I wasn’t. The focus should be on the music and not my sexuality,” Mendes posted on Snapchat.
How Did The ‘Gay’ Rumours Affect Shawn Mendes?
These rumors didn’t do him any good that’s for sure. He said that he even faced mild depression because of these constant rumors.
One of the biggest side-effects he faced was the suffering of the people around him, “I have friends that are gay and not out of the closet who are seeing the things that are happening to me and are even more scared to come out because of it,” Shawn said in an interview.
It went to the point where Shawn would question his every move such as the way he was walking or sitting or talking.
Although he suffers from these rumors he still thinks this is nothing compared to the people who really are gay and are facing these same problems.
Shawn even went to see a therapist about it in 2018 because he was suffering from anxiety and he opened up about it once again in an interview with Rolling Stone.
“All of you who think that I am gay can thank god that I am not. Because these types of things can really break a person and can make them even more terrified to come out of the closet or even kill them. If you like my songs and me as a person that should be enough for you. It doesn’t really matter if I am gay or not,” Shawn said for Rolling Stone.