Fans Point Out ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s’ Worst Plot Lines

The plotlines Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans love to hate.

Everyone loves “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”, right? Well, it turns out, not all of it. Even the best comedy series aren’t immune to the occasional storyline slip-ups.

For a show as continuously on-point as “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”, it’s hard to imagine there could be any stumbles in storytelling.

But, according to fans, there are a few plot lines that got them shaking their heads rather than cracking up.

Let’s dive into some of these less-appreciated story arcs, as picked by the fans themselves.

The Boyle Baby Bombshell

Gina Linetti, the precinct’s brilliantly eccentric assistant, announces her pregnancy. The shocker? The father is none other than a member of the Boyle family!

But hold on, where did that plotline go?

Many fans were left scratching their heads, as the storyline and the Boyle in question disappeared without a trace, like a doughnut in Scully’s presence.

It’s like a mystery that even Detective Peralta would struggle to solve.

Gina’s baby’s Dad being a Boyle and that (and him) never being mentioned again. (He’s not even in the Boyle episodes after that! He should be in the one true Boyle episodes.).

The Great Baby Debate

Disagreement between Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago about starting a family. Remember Amy’s life calendar from season four? Fans sure do! Jake even says it hangs above their bed.

Given Amy’s meticulous planning, it’s hard to believe she wouldn’t have discussed the kid topic with Jake much earlier.

This “will they, won’t they” baby arc left many fans feeling as frustrated as Holt when his favourite classical music station switches to smooth jazz.

Amy wanting kids and Jake not. It doesn’t fit for their characters and what they had said in earlier seasons and I hate the idea that Amy wouldn’t have discussed it properly before marriage (or even before they got too serious if I’m being honest). (Jake: [talks about Amy wanting to be the youngest NYPD captain] …. and that’ll disrupt her entire life calendar. Charles: Is that a real thing? Jake: It hangs over our bed. Yeah no way children/maternity wasn’t planned on there and this is from season 4. I hate the “will they won’t they have kids” episode so much.).

The Not-So-Boyle Boyle

Remember when Boyle discovered he wasn’t, well, a Boyle? This revelation shook not just Charles but the fans as well.

The lineage plot twist seemed out of place and was considered unnecessary by many fans, kind of like Hitchcock without his shirt on.

While these plot lines may not have been the precinct’s finest moments, they’re just small blemishes on an otherwise consistently brilliant comedy series.

As any true fan knows, even with these questionable story arcs, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” remains no less than the epitome of comedic gold.